A Thought about your next Holiday Vacation in todays world.
As we travel to new places in the world today we should also take
the time to reflect on the culture and lifestyle of the everyday citizens of the country we are visiting. Try to take something back with us that allows us to be more understanding and flexible in the way we think regarding other cultures in our world.
A Holiday vacation or even a business trip can also be a learning experience and an opportunity to be good-will ambassadors for both our own country and for all mankind. How we act and what we say has a major impact and can leave positive or negative impressions about you and I.
Just a personal observation to think about as we welcome you to our new Blog all about Holidays, Vacations and Travel. Places to go and see. Budget Travel Tips. Packing Tips. The goal is not to return home exhausted and stressed from your "time-out" escape from your everyday routines and responsbilities.
We hope you find some useful tips and ideas from our posts and offer you the opportunity to share your own tips and comments here on the Blog for others to benefit and learn how to have better Vacation experiences.
Kind Regards,
Bill & Evelyn
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