Thursday, December 2, 2010
"Happy Holidays & 2011 New Year"
“Best Wishes for the Holiday Season & the 2011 New Year!”
Blake Publishing would like to wish all our many Website
& Blog Visitors of all “Faith’s” and the 15K+ folks
who downloaded many of our Free PDF digital non-fiction
Ebooks worldwide over this past year from our Websites
and Blogs a “Very Safe Holiday Season and a Prosperous
& Healthy 2011 New Year...”
Consider how you would like to be
remembered when your Journey ends…
“ To Share & to be Kind as
Your Life is your only
Act One & there is no "Take Two"...
This is my personal special wish for “2011”
“May the Actions & Words we Share in all aspects
of our lives Inspire Others to wish for the same Calm
Spirit, Good Health and Safe Journey as all the
Souls of the world connect hopefully In a
positive and inspirational experience that will
alllow future generations to be proud of our
endeavours in relation to our human race,
our children & familes, our planet & environment,
our precious Wildlife and for our Mother Earth as a whole.”
William E. Blake
Internet Entrepreneur
Thank you kindly for your time and please take
a moment to visit a few of our Websites we are Proudest
of as they offer everyone the gift of “Information”
with Instant Gratification via Download to Your
Computer desktop…and helps save the trees with
no Printing, & save time & money with
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1) First = a Fun Christmas Website with tons of joy
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and decorating, gifts & recipes Tips galore!
2) Our Passion = Saving our Planet & Wildlife
with up to date Tips on "Living Green", saving
energy, many free articles on going green plus
resources for solar power, hybrid cars, foods
and so much more! > This is my personal pet
Website project for awhile now and I know
you will find it inspiring and helpful as well.
3) And of course our most popular Website for a
variety of quality Free Ebooks for all ages
and interests (=many pages of content!)
{not just those little useless freebies}
And this is the webpage where we List All of
our Websites for you to browse
{each link opens in a new window!}
so no back and forth with your browser...
And these Websites also offer their own
gift ebook downloads as well!
Blake Publishing Websites List
Our Parent Website is:
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"Happy 2009 New Year to All!"
Wishes Everyone ALL over this Planet a
New Year Filled with HOPE, Good Health,
Peace among Men, and much Prosperity...
May we all Enjoy Good health, a Calm Spirit
and a Safe Journey in this New Year.
William Blake
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Vacations & The Environment

Have an Environmentally Friendly Vacation
As many of us prepare to leave for our annual summer vacation it's a good time to think about the environmental impact of our travels.
Whether you go to the beaches of the Mediterranean or the pristine landscape of the Arctic, how you travel can have a huge impact on the environment. But if undertaken responsibly, tourism can be a positive force for conservation and environmental protection.
Follow our simple guide and you can not only have a great vacation, but also help protect nature at the same time...
1. Selecting your destination…
When you travel to your holiday destination by plane you are contributing to significant emissions of climate change causing carbon dioxide.
Try to take vacations nearer to home, or pick locations that you can reach by other forms of transport.
2. Getting there
If you have to fly, buy carbon offsets to compensate for the emissions caused by your flight.
Rather than hiring a car at the airport choose other ways to get around like taxis, trains or buses.
If you do travel by car turn off your engine when you’re parked, or stuck in traffic. It will save you fuel and reduce emissions.
3. Choosing the right place to stay…
Choose accommodation that have effective waste treatment systems, that recycle, that are energy efficient, and, where possible, that use environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar energy or hydroelectric power.
Look out for hotels that participate in WWF's Check Out for Nature programme. Participating Hotels will add a Euro (or its equivalent value) to your hotel bill when you check out at the end of your stay, which will be used to support our conservation work around the world.
4. Whilst you are there…
Look at eco-tourism options. Many travel companies now offer holidays which support sustainable development, do not impact negatively on the environment and provide financial support to local communities.
Respect the environment and stay on trails and public footpaths. Do not remove plants or feed animals, and never litter.
Conserve water and take showers rather than baths. Use a refillable water container, sterilizing water when necessary rather than buying bottled water.
Limit energy use, including your use of air-conditioning and hot water. Turn off all lights and taps when you leave hotel rooms.
Minimize your use of personal care products and detergents to wash linen, and reuse your hotel towels and bed linen.
Dispose of sanitary waste properly. Don’t flush cotton buds, condoms, tampons and plastics down the toilet, or you might just find them on the beach!
Recycle newspapers, magazines and your beverage containers (many can be returned for refunds), and reduce the number of bags, napkins and disposable cups you use when you eat fast food.
Rent a bike. In many places you can rent them out. They are not only environmentally friendly and cheap, but also a great option for sightseeing.
Take a hike. walking in cities or going on a hike in the countryside is great way to avoid emissions and yet discover some of special things about where you are, things you may otherwise simply "drive by".
Reduce the impact of your recreational activities by avoiding sports which have a significant harmful impact on the environment, or choose more progressive establishments (e.g. golf courses which recycle water).
5. Coming home…
Some souvenirs could end up costing a lot more than you paid for them.
Think twice before you buy any products made from any endangered species, including animal hides and body parts, tortoise-shell, ivory, or coral - they could be illegal.
Visit WWF-US's Buyer Beware website for information that can help you say "no" to illegal wildlife products.
And finally...
Enjoy nature and the environment.
There is so much out there that stands out on
this planet as amazing, astounding, and downright breathtaking...
Have a great vacation!
Article compliments of: WFF
Thank You for Doing Your Part!
Bill & Evelyn
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Planning A Summer Vacation?

Booking Your Summer Vacation: What Are Your Options
This year a large number of couples and families intend to take a summer vacation. Summer vacations are popular. In fact, they are so popular that it is likely that you are interested in taking one. When it comes to booking a summer vacation, there are a number of ways that you can make your reservations.
Before making summer vacation reservations, you will have to select a summer vacation destination. Without a destination in mind, it is impossible to make reservations. When selecting a summer vacation destination, it is important that you consider a number of factors. These factors should include whether you are traveling with children, the age of your children, and the cost of travel. Keeping these factors in mind will enable you to select the summer vacation destination that will best fit your needs.
After you have selected a summer vacation destination, you can begin to make reservations. A large number of amusement parks, campgrounds, and hotels in the United States do not require reservations. Despite the fact that reservations may not be required, it is still advised that you make them. Popular summer vacation “hotspots,” quickly fill up with vacationing tourists. Without the proper reservations, you may be left without the necessary accommodations.
When it comes to booking a summer vacation, a large number of travelers use the assistance of a travel agent. Travel agents are individuals who specialize in researching and arranging vacations for their clients. Travel agents are popular because they allow clients to spend more time completing their daily activities, instead of having to research and plan a summer vacation.
If given the opportunity most families would prefer to use the services of a travel agent. Unfortunately, services of a travel agent do not come free. If you are interested in planning a summer vacation, on a budget, you may want to consider making your own reservations. In a few simple minutes, you could easily make reservations online or over the phone. Not only should your reservations include hotel accommodations, but travel accommodations as well.
Aside from car travel, air travel is one of the most preferred methods of travel for arriving at summer vacation destinations. If you are interested in booking your airline reservations online, you need to find the online website of the airline you wish to fly with. Popular airlines include, but are not limited to, Delta, United Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and Northwest Airlines. Each of these airlines has an online website that should allow the online booking of reservations.
Unless you are camping outdoors, it is likely that you will need to reserve a hotel room. Unless you plan on staying at smaller resort, you should be able to make online reservations. Most of the well known hotel chains, including Holiday Inn, Hampton Inns, Super 8, and Motel 6, have online websites. Specialty resorts that are located in popular summer vacation destinations, including California or Florida, are likely to also allow online booking.
When it comes to overnight stays, most individuals would prefer to stay at a hotel, but not everyone. A large number of families enjoy vacations that are centered on the outdoors. These vacations often involve camping outdoors. Even if you plan on vacationing at a state park or a public campground, you are still urged to make a reservation. Public campgrounds and state parks are often limited on the amount of camping space they have. Making a reservation will ensure that you are guaranteed a place to set up your tent or park your RV trailer.
To book a popular vacation destination, but at a discount, you may want to looking the services offered by online travel websites. These websites tend to offer discounts on popular hotels, airlines, and restaurants all around the world. The only downside to using the services offered by an online discount travel website is that they tend to focus only on popular summer vacation destinations. If you are looking to vacation at an unknown resort, you may be unable to use the services of a discount travel website.
Whether you choose to use the services of a discount travel website, a professional travel agent, or you intend you make your own vacation reservations, you are encouraged to take the appropriate steps. Anticipating room at the hottest summer vacation destinations is a costly mistake that could possibly ruin your vacation.
Don’t make that mistake; book your reservations ahead of time.
Budget Travel Secrets Exposed!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Vacation Holiday Planning

Research is a lot cheaper to do at home using resources such as the Internet to find where the best deals are and to save time when you get to your destination.
By saving time when you are away on holiday you will be able to get more benefit from the holiday and make the most of the money that you have spent getting there.
You can get information from the various tourist boards and from travel centers that will help you make decisions where you want to go and stay.
It won't cost you anything other than your time to get this information and you might decide to change your travel plans after you do this research.
It will cost a lot more if you decide to change your plans once you get to your destination and sometimes it will be difficult, if not impossible, to change plans once you have made bookings.
You can save a lot of money by doing this research and you will have the time to compare prices and even negotiate better deals with travel agencies and places of accommodation.
Talk to people who have already been to the places that you intend to go as there is nothing quite like prior experience to save time and money.
Travel brochures can paint a rosy picture of areas, where people you can trust, might tell you otherwise. Some of the best places to get other's opinions are on the forums on the Internet where people will discuss their travels and give their opinions on what they liked and whether they would recommend those places to other people.
They will also offer cost saving suggestions based on their own experience that can be invaluable.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Vacations & New Culture Experiences

A Thought about your next Holiday Vacation in todays world.
As we travel to new places in the world today we should also take
the time to reflect on the culture and lifestyle of the everyday citizens of the country we are visiting. Try to take something back with us that allows us to be more understanding and flexible in the way we think regarding other cultures in our world.
A Holiday vacation or even a business trip can also be a learning experience and an opportunity to be good-will ambassadors for both our own country and for all mankind. How we act and what we say has a major impact and can leave positive or negative impressions about you and I.
Just a personal observation to think about as we welcome you to our new Blog all about Holidays, Vacations and Travel. Places to go and see. Budget Travel Tips. Packing Tips. The goal is not to return home exhausted and stressed from your "time-out" escape from your everyday routines and responsbilities.
We hope you find some useful tips and ideas from our posts and offer you the opportunity to share your own tips and comments here on the Blog for others to benefit and learn how to have better Vacation experiences.
Kind Regards,
Bill & Evelyn